"Voit kutsua sitä vain menestykseksi, koska SITE SECURITYn asennuksen aikana ei ole tapahtunut yhtään varkautta. Kaikki on toiminut erittäin ammattimaisesti."
Barslund is a company that is constantly evolving and which is not afraid to use new methods. So when they experienced repeated thefts from their construction site, they wanted more than just setting up a camera.
- We experienced several thefts on the same construction site over a short period of time, and decided to do something about it. We were recommended SITE SECURITY by a partner and think it was an exciting solution. With SITE SECURITY, we can actively prevent burglary and theft at our construction site. ” Says Martin Rye Ustrup, Head of Department at Barslund.
Barslund has used SITE SECURITY's solution for six months, and has now completed the phase of construction where the site has been particularly vulnerable, so SITE SECURITY has been uninstalled again.
- You can only call it a success, because there has not been a single theft while SITE-SECURITY has been installed. It all worked very professionally, we did not have to take care of anything regarding the installation ", says Martin.
This is not the last time that Barslund will collaborate with SITE SECURITY.
- There will definitely be other tasks where SITE SECURITY will be in play again. On large construction sites, there will at times be material that stands on its own, and where it makes very good sense with SITE SECURITY ”, says Martin.
When asked whether Barslund will recommend SITE SECURITY to others, Martin answers:
- I will! Service and product have lived up to expectations and it is as it should be, so I would definitely recommend it.
Voit kutsua sitä vain onnistuneeksi, koska SITE SECURITYn asennuksen aikana ei ole tapahtunut yhtään varkautta. Kaikki toimi erittäin ammattimaisesti, meidän ei tarvinnut huolehtia mistään asennuksesta
Martin Rye Ustrup, Barslundin osastonjohtaja.
35 vuoden kokemuksella Barslund on yksi Tanskan johtavista rakennus- ja rakennusalan yrityksistä.
Heidän hankkeensa ovat laaja-alaisia ja niihin kuuluu sekä suuria julkisia että yksityisiä rakentajia.
Barslundilla on laaja kokemus infrastruktuurihankkeiden toteuttamisesta mm. Tanskan tievirastolle, Banedanmarkille, kunnille ja muille.
Barslund on asentanut SITE SECURITY -mallin Solar. Täydellinen ratkaisu rakennustyömaille ilman sähköä, sillä ratkaisussa on aurinkopaneelit ja sisäänrakennettu dieselgeneraattori.